GitIgnore File for stata

Create a .gitignore file to tell git which files or folders to ignore in your stata project.

# Created by (Shantanu Bombatkar) SirDeploy Package
# It helps deploy fakeserver ReactApp on Heroku and Github Pages
#  Hope it helps || Thanks for Using SirDeploy Package

### Stata ###
# .gitignore file for git projects containing Stata files
# Commercial statistical software:

# Stata dataset and output files

# Graphic export files from Stata
# Stata command graph export:
# You may add graphic export files to your .gitignore. However you should be
# aware that this will exclude all image files from this main directory
# and subdirectories.
# *.ps
# *.eps
# *.wmf
# *.emf
# *.pdf
# *.png
# *.tif

 # Star the Repo
# End of File
Download stata.gitignore

List Of Files and Folders That Get Ignored using this Gitignore code

Above Code Helps ignore following files from stata Project

.gitignore file for git projects containing Stata files

Commercial statistical software:

Stata dataset and output files

Graphic export files from Stata

Stata command graph export:

You may add graphic export files to your .gitignore. However you should be

aware that this will exclude all image files from this main directory

and subdirectories.








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